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Open Doors Days / September 26-28

Get into the Factories

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.

Water, our life-sustaining resource, is crucial for our well-being and the environment. Its quality, determined by chemical, physical, and biological factors, impacts everything from drinking to agriculture. Ever wondered about the tiny living things in water? These waterborne micro-organisms, like bacteria and algae, are more than just microscopic inhabitants; some can pose serious risks to […]

Beneath our feet lies a world of secrets waiting to be unveiled – the complex and dynamic world of soil. Understanding the composition and characteristics of soil is not just essential for environmental investigation and remediation projects, but it also plays a pivotal role in preserving our planet’s health. At Osten, we take pride in […]

Water quality testing is a fundamental practice that involves a meticulous examination of various facets of water, aimed at assessing its suitability for diverse purposes such as drinking, swimming, and maintaining ecological health. This comprehensive process entails the measurement of physical parameters like temperature, pH levels, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen levels, alongside chemical parameters including […]