Laboratory Outsourcing

Laboratory is key to your business,
but you don’t need to own it.

Lab outsourcing usually involves an independent testing company assuming quality control testing, production chemistry testing or other analytical services associated with an in-house laboratory.

Osten Laboratory is experienced in providing laboratory outsourcing services and solutions, from submitted samples testing projects, analytical projects to full lab outsourcing and acquisition. Osten works with clients to successfully outsource analytical testing services and laboratories. Furthermore, the large number of assets managed by your company with each field having peculiar testing needs makes it difficult to maintain an in-house laboratory that can cover all requirements.

Why Outsource Laboratory Services?

In today’s highly competitive business world, companies are under increasing pressure to optimize production and reduce costs, particularly in areas that are non-core operations. If Oil & Gas testing and analysis are not your core business, why incur the extra overheads and deploy instruments for this service?

Dedicated in-house laboratories provide essential services, but such labs may not provide certain test capabilities. On a strategic level, in-house laboratories may be difficult to equip for most testing capacity and will be underutilized if fully equipped. Our oilfield laboratory outsourcing reduces overhead and gives you the freedom to focus on your core operations.

Rising lab costs and under-utilization rates are eliminated, reduced or rationalized if the operation is outsourced to an laboratory testing service provider like Osten. Additional benefits from lab outsourcing include greater laboratory productivity and improved service and performance

We recommend you take advantage of our laboratory outsourcing and offshore testing services. You can meet your business needs while reducing your operating overheads.

Our oilfield Laboratory expertise available on

  • Crude Assay
  • Gas analysis
  • Production chemistry
  • Environmental analysis

These services will be deployed to all your production facilities. Outsourced testing service will often involve picking samples from the production facility for analysis at Osten Testing Laboratory. Other times testing instruments will be deployed permanently to your facilities for analysis that requires constant monitoring. We also apply the option of installing online analyzers when required. Our professionals will work with your Production Chemist to confirm which procedure will be viable for each facility.